Bitcoin-friendly Javier Milei wins Argentina presidential election

Bitcoin-friendly Javier Milei wins Argentina presidential election

Argentina’s Bitcoin (BTC)-friendly Javier Milei won the countryโ€™s presidential run-off election on Nov. 19, beating out his opponent Sergio Massa.

With almost 99% of the vote counted, Milei won over 55% of the votes with a nearly 3 million vote lead according to Bloomberg data.


Massa, the countryโ€™s minister of economy, called Milei to congratulate him on the victory after more than 90% of the votes were counted โ€” before the announcement of the first official results. Milei will take office on December 10.

With nearly 100% of the vote counted, Milei had an over 10 percentage point lead on Massa. Source: Bloomberg

Argentina’s long-lasting inflation crisis has been a heated topic in the South American country, with the Argentine peso recording over a 140% increase in annual inflation in the last 12 months.

Milei has been vocal about his criticisms toward the countryโ€™s central bank, referring to it as a scam and a โ€œmechanism by which politicians cheat the good people with inflationary tax.โ€


Heโ€™s referred to Bitcoin as a movement toward โ€œthe return of money to its original creator, the private sector.โ€

Related: Bitcoin price hits all-time highs across Argentina, Nigeria and Turkey

However, he has not signaled any intention to make Bitcoin legal tender in the country.

Massaโ€™s views on the money, banking and cryptocurrency industry appear to be polar opposite to Milei.

In October, he pledged to launch a central bank digital currency (CBDC) if elected to โ€œsolveโ€ Argentinaโ€™s long-lasting inflation crisis.

Massa won the first round of Argentinaโ€™s presidential election in October. However, it wasnโ€™t enough to win the presidency outright, triggering the final run-off vote.

Prior to that, Milei won Argentinaโ€™s primary election against Messi and other candidates in August.

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